Inovanalytics Terms and Conditions of Service: Online and Field Survey Software Tools

Who is InovAnalytics?

Field Survey Solution

InovAnalytics is a technology company in the field of statistics and data science. The core mandate of the company is providing research, statistical data analysis and modelling software as a service (SaaS) for both individuals and organisations. The software offers user friendly interface and tools that can help researchers from various fields to create, configure and deploy multiple research projects quickly. The software has features that also allow datasets to be imported from other data sources for analytics and data visualization purposes. This is because the platform has in built statistical data modelling and visualization engine that can help researchers to analyse data in realtime.

Field Survey Solution


InovAnalytics is happy to introduce to you the terms and conditions of our service offering which we believe is a friendly one and the purpose is to deliver the best services for all your survey deployment, data analytics and visualization needs. These terms and conditions constitute a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between InovAnalytics and yourself as an esteemed customer. This document will be the one that will be guiding our operations as we serve you and it is going to be the same document that will help guide you as the customer on service delivery expectations as well as your obligations as a customer.

InovAnalytics Obligations

  • We have the obligation to make sure the system works and available all the time 24/7
  • We have the obligation to ensure that the system receive, process, store and generate customer data at the highest possible level of quality and data integrity
  • We have the obligation to ensure the system has the required capability to protect and secure customer content.
  • We have the obligation to make sure that there is no customer data that is lost through system deficiencies in data processing and management.
  • We have the obligation to implement advanced data loss and recovery plans to safeguard customers against unplanned events that may lead to customer data loss.
  • We have the obligation not to share or use customer content with third parties without the written notification and consent of the customer. In under normal circumstances, we will never even use or share customer content, except when required by law.
  • We have the obligation to safeguard the credit/debit card information of our customers each time when customers fill their cards details on their payment form. However, the customer should know that InovAnalytics does not store credit/debit card information of customers in our database. The information is stored by a PCI compliant third party who is allowed by law to do so because they are the ones who charge the cards on our behalf and remit payment to us.
  • We have the obligation to provide you with a full documentation of using our services in the platform. The services that we offer are supposed to be self-service and our intervention is only when there are system issues.
  • It is the discretion of InovAnalytics to offer non system related support services e.g., creation and configuration of surveys free of charge, otherwise it falls part of our services that attracts service fee.

Customer Obligations

  • Follow privacy laws when conducting surveys: You are responsible for observing applicable laws, policies and ethics regarding conducting surveys.
  • Account Maintenance: You are responsible of maintaining the account including creating surveys, creating team members, creating profiles of handsets for conducting field surveys, and many more duties as documented in our user manual for surveys administration.
  • Customer conduct in using digital information including copyrights:- The customer is responsible for their conduct. Make sure your content doesn’t infringe intellectual property rights. As a customer you are required to completely refrain from copying, uploading, downloading, or sharing any content unless you have the right to do so. InovAnalytics is not responsible for the content that you upload, store, and share via our Service. However, we reserve the right to delete or remove any content which is alleged to be infringing intellectual property rights and terminate accounts of repeat infringers.
  • You have the duty to keep your content protected through applying best practices in protecting digital information e.g. safeguarding of passwords for accessing your content, daily offline backup of survey datasets if new responses are received each day. Datasets can be backed up by exporting to Excel, CSV and IBM SPSS files.
  • You have the obligation to invite the right people to be part of your team within your account. The team that you introduce to be part of your account need to be people that have interest in your projects or people who will add value in your projects e.g. Fieldworkers, Survey Supervisor, Data Manager, Data Analyst, Project Manager etc.
  • Age restriction for accessing our services:- InovAnalytics permit people who are at least 13 years or older depending applicable laws of your country of residence/origin. Please check your local law for the age of digital consent. If you don’t meet these age requirements, you may not use the Service.
  • You have the duty to create and deploy surveys within your account without any expectation of free support service, otherwise any support with regard to survey creation and deployment attract a service fee. It should be noted that the system is designed to be a self-service system, otherwise InovAnalytics is at your service at any time if you are willing to pay for service charges. Please refer to support service charge plan above.

Exceptions on the Subscriptions Plans

The subscriptions plans do not include the following services:

  • Sending SMS invitations to target respondents. This is because this cost will be charged by the Telecommunications Carrier, and it is charged per SMS. The customer will have to specifically purchase credits/units with us so that SMS invitations can be charged against those credits/units.
  • Text/qualitative data analysis uses advanced Natural Language Processing technologies (NLP which is part of AI and ML technologies) to analyse and simplify large amount of text/qualitative data. This service will be charged by InovAnalytics because it is rendered by a third-party vendor (Google Cloud Compute Engine) through an API, and it depends on the amount of text to be analysed. We will allocate our customer up to $15 of credits depending on the subscriptions plan to be able to run sentiment analysis, content analysis and entities analysis. Although it is rare, customer will have to then purchase credits with us to run further analysis which will then be charged to us by Google Cloud. Please note that only NLP attract a fee because it is an outsourced technology otherwise our analytics engine is free of charge even if you are on a free mode.
  • The customer will also be charged if they choose to request our support team in the design, creating and deploying of a survey rather than doing it by themselves. Please note that any support except system failure related support will attract a service fee since our platform is designed to be a self-service platform.
  • Finally, the customer will also be charged on their purchased credits/units to restore their lost files which have been accidentally deleted. The files will be restored from backup version/restore date which they choose for the last 14 days.

InovAnalytics Pricing Plans

InovAnalytics have got 2 categories of pricing model, namely Survey Administration Pricing model and Survey Support Services model.

Survey Administration Pricing

Survey Administration Pricing is a compulsory pricing model for using our platform services to create and deploy surveys. This pricing model is compulsory in such a way that you must pay to use our platform services unless you are on the restrictive free mode. Survey Support Services pricing model on the other is optional because you do not have to pay for it if you do not need it. Here the customer is charged for seeking help like creating and deploying surveys on behalf of the customer. The customer will also be charged for sending SMS invitations to customers because the cost is also charged on InovAnalytics by the Telecommunications Carrier.

Subscription Plan

Subscriptions Plan is a plan for customers who pay for our services through monthly subscriptions fees. See the price schedule of each subscription plan in this link or this link.

Pay as You Go Plan

The Pay as You Go Plan is a plan where the customer will have to buy credits/bundles/units to start using our platform services beyond the 35 responses allowed on a free/basic mode. See the price schedule for Pay as You Go plan in this link or this link.

Support Services Plan

Apart on charging for creating and deploying surveys, InovAnalytics will also charge the following on the purchased credits/units:

  • The customer will be charged on their purchased credits/units to send SMS invitations to target respondents.
  • The customer will be charged on their purchased credits/units to run advanced text analysis like sentiment analysis, content analysis and entities analysis. Text/qualitative data analysis uses advanced Natural Language Processing technologies (NLP) to analyse and simplify large amount of text/qualitative data. This service will be charged by InovAnalytics because it is rendered by Google Cloud Compute Engine through an API. Please note that only NLP attract a fee because it is an outsourced technology otherwise our analytics engine is free of charge even if you are on a free mode.
  • The customer will also be charged if they choose to request our support team in the design, creating and deploying of a survey rather than doing it for themselves.
  • Finally, the customer will also be charged on their purchased credits/units to restore their lost files which have been accidentally deleted. The files will be restored from backup version/restore date which they choose for the last 14 days.

Payments for Services Offered

InovAnalytics will only bill customers on subscriptions plans once a month. The billing cycle starts on the first of each month. The customer will be sent an invoice with payments including a link where the customer will be charged. However, customers can choose to pay using electronic payment cards (debit/credit cards) or tradional payment methods like SWIFT. Customers can choose to be charged automatically on their cards or they can manually make the payment based on the invoice sent to sent. Customers will always be reminded/notified of the next billing cycle on the 20th of each month. On the contrary, customers who are on Pay as You Go plan will only be charged when they choose to buy credits/units for deploying and servicing surveys.

Subscription Upgrade and Downgrade

Customers from a lower plan can upgrade to a higher plan at any time during the billing cycle. However, it is advisable to make an upgrade on the 20th or more of each month to avoid being charged/billed a full amount for the current billing cycle and end up being billed twice. Likewise, with customers who are downgrading, they can downgrade anytime throughout the billing cycle, however it is advisable to downgrade on the 20th or more of each billing month, otherwise they will also be charged for the current billing month for the new plan, yet they had already paid for the previous plan they are downgrading from. On the contrary, if a customer is switching from a Pay as You Go plan to any subscription-based plan, the customer will have the remaining purchased credits/units kept for future use, hence they will not be forfeited for as long as they are not expired.

Service Termination

Termination By Customer

There are no prerequisites to termination of an account. You can just cancel your account at any time as you deem fit. When you cancel/delete your account, all data that is linked to your account shall be permanently lost after margin of safety of 15 days elapse which allows a window of reversal if the cancellation was accidental or an act of malicious activity by external forces. The termination/cancellation of an account can only be initiated by the Account Owner, or any Team Member designated by the Account Owner. The Account Owner will be responsible to allocation of permissions to various Team Members if any. There will not be any refunds if the termination of an account occurs mid-month for subscription customers or if there were unused credits/units for pay as you go customers. However, there will be exemptions in terms of refunds policy if any of the following conditions occurs:

  • When we have breached our own Terms and failed to fix breach within 30 days after a formal written notice.
  • When a refund is required or enforced by law;
  • When in our sole discretion, determine a refund is appropriate.

Termination by InovAnalytics

Although a rare case, InovAnalytics may decide to terminate/cancel a customer account in any of the following scenarios.

  • Breach of our Terms of Service: If a customer significantly breaches our Terms of Service or fail to comply with them repeatedly after being warned several times, InovAnalytics reserve the right to terminate the account.
  • Non-Payment of Subscriptions for 90 days: InovAnalytics reserves the right to terminate a customer account if a subscription payment has not been forthcoming for at least 90 days.
  • Lack of activity in the account for 12 months: InovAnalytics have the reserves the right to termination of a customer account if there was no activity within the account for at least 12 months. Account activity refers to surveys administration or coming in of new survey responses/importation of external datasets for analytics and data visualization. This condition may only apply to pay as you go customers. Subscription customers will be excepted from this condition if they continue payment of monthly subscriptions, having no survey activities within their accounts will not matter.
  • Cessation of customer business operations or customer business becomes subject of insolvency: InovAnalytics reserves the right to terminate/cancel customer account if the customer business operations cease to operate or they become insolvent. Note that this is applicable if the customer is a business not individual.

Under normal circumstances, InovAnalytics, will normally give a customer 30 days’ notice before terminating an account, however there might rare occurrences where we decide to terminate the customer account immediately which might be in most cases due to requirement by law.

Service Suspension

Contrary to full termination of customer account, InovAnalytics may decide to suspend an account for a specific amount of time ranging from 5 days to 10 days depending on the severity of the reason for suspension. An account gets suspended mainly for breach of terms and conditions of service. An account is subject to permanent cancellation when the severity/significance of the breach is high while an account is subject to suspension when the severity/significance of the breach is mild. When a breach of terms of service and conditions is considered severe, it is when it has a financial implication on InovAnalytics, e.g., when an act of a customer could possibly result in InovAnalytics dragged into a lawsuit. Remember, the customer is required to follow all applicable privacy and disclosure laws when dealing with data collected from survey respondents. Respondents has the right to be fully notified of the nature and purpose of the survey being conducted and anonymity of the respondents. The respondents also have the right to decline to participate in any survey.

Data Loss and Recovery

Data Loss

InovAnalytics is aware of the risks that is inherent within the digital environment especially web environment. These risks may come in many forms including cyber security risks as well as accidental risks. Cyber security risks may refer to any kind of exposure to criminal activities by cyber criminals which may lead to loss of customer content while accidental risks maybe refer to exposure to accidental risks which may also lead to loss of customer content. Accidental risks may come in many forms including risks caused by customers by accidentally deleting their own content. Accidental risks may also occur when InovAnalytics team accidentally terminate/cancel a customer account which may lead to permanent loss of customer content. Another form of accidental risk is one that may be triggered by accidents or incidents at cloud infrastructure host/provider level.

Data Recovery

As a result of these inherent risks within the digital environment especially the web environment, InovAnalytics have implemented a data loss and recovery plan within our platform to ensure that our customer content is not lost forever. Data Loss Risk Management implemented in two levels namely: organizational level data loss risk management and customer level data loss risk management.

Organizational Level Data Loss Risk Management

This is data loss risk management implemented at organizational level. To minimize the impact of these risks, InovAnalytics always conduct a scheduled data backup of all clients’ contents and system’s data twice a day. Data will be restored from backup if a system goes down resulting in complete data loss.

Customer Level Data Loss Risk Management

This is a data loss risk management at customer level. To minimize potential data loss, InovAnalytics will always create a safe window of 15 days each time a customer presses the account cancellation/termination button. The 15-day safe window is meant to protect the customer if the account was accidentally terminated, or an act of sabotage was involved. When the account termination button is clicked, the system will create a last backup version of the customer content. The customer account then goes into an inactive mode for 15 days, then the account will be permanently removed. The customer will have enough time to contact InovAnalytics for an account restoration within the 15-day safe window.

Liabilities and Disclaimers

  • InovAnalytics is not liable for any loss resulting from poor survey design and configuration by a customer. It is the duty of the customer to seek help if they are unable to create and deploy surveys on their own. Please not that as part of the documentation, InovAnalytics have a sub section outlining steps to take when creating and deploying a survey. InovAnalytics is also ready to help at a service fee if a customer is busy or not capable of creating and deploying surveys on their own. It is also the duty of the customer to thoroughly test the survey before going live or sending to respondents. Special care must be taken especially when configuring skip logic. You should be knowledgeable when doing it on your own. It is important to test if the skip logic is skipping the questions that are supposed to skip or you have made a mistake. The risk here is deploying a survey to respondents with badly designed survey or wrongly configured skip logic and at the end find out that some questions were accidentally skipped, hence were not answered by respondents.
  • It is also our duty to provide you with a great user/customer experience when using our services, however we cannot promise you everything will always go right. System availability is not guaranteed all the time because we do not have control of it. Cloud computing is interconnected, hence some external issues encountered by our Cloud Provider may have an impact in our platform as well. If the service provider has encountered a huge cyber problem, we will surely be affected as well. Hence, it is expected that from time to time we may experience availability problems which in most cases will be beyond our control.

Review of Terms of Service

We at InovAnalytics always strive to improve our services, hence the occasional need to improve our Terms of Service as well. From time to time, we will be adding features and functionalities into our platform which in turn will require a review of our Terms of Service. Apart from adding new features and functionalities into the system, we will decide to improve our Terms of Service as a service improvement plan to our customers or because of mending loopholes discovered in our current Terms of service. Sometimes, legal requirements will call for us to review and update our Terms of Service.