InovAnalytics: Online and Field Survey Software Tools

InovSurveys Software Solutions

InovAnalytics is a technology company in the field of statistics and data science. The core mandate of the company is providing research, statistical data analysis and modelling software as a service (SaaS) for both individuals and organisations. The software offers user friendly interface and tools that can help researchers from various fields to create, configure and deploy multiple research projects quickly. The software has features that also allow datasets to be imported from other data sources for analytics and data visualization purposes. This is because the platform has in built statistical data modelling and visualization engine that can help researchers to analyse data in realtime.

Research Consultancy

Research Consultancy

InovAnalytics provides research consultancy services for organizations and companies who are outsourcing their research initiatives. We provide a variety of research services including market research, customer/perception satisfaction surveys, public health related surveys, household surveys and so on.

Online Survey Solution

Online Survey Solutions

InovAnalytics provide an online survey tool for customers who want to conduct a survey or any kind of data collection on the internet. InovAnalytics provides a variety of online survey/data collection deployment points including via emails, SMSs, websites of customers, third party websites, social media platforms and many more. The deployment points include links to the questionnaire/form that will be filled by the target respondents.

Field Survey Solution

Mobile Survey Solutions

InovAnalytics data entry solution is for researchers who want to conduct mobile/field data collection such as census, household surveys, project evaluation, customer satisfaction and more. Here the surveys are deployed through mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. InovAnalytics developed a mobile application called Inovsurveys Data Entry which is used to capture the data that is being collected and uploaded into the InovAnalytics Platform.

Some Surveys Administered by InovAnalytics

InovAnalytics can handle any type of survey or any form of data collection that our customers want to be deploy. The following are of the surveys that are normally conducted: customer based surveys, university/college surveys, employee climate surveys/employee satifaction surveys, household based surveys and public health based surveys. Some of the survey are explained in detail in the following section.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer Based Surveys

InovAnalytics offer customer surveys solutions to our customers wherein they can create, configure and deploy customer surveys like satisfaction/perception surveys. In most cases customer based surveys are deployed in order to meaure the extent to which your customers are happy with a product or service.

Market Research

Market Surveys

InovAnalytics offer Market surveys solutions to customers who seeks to embark on market research related assignments. Our platform has all the tools suitable for researcher to create, configure and deploy market surveys for both online and offline based target population.

Academic Research Solution

Education Based Surveys

InovAnalytics also offer survey solutions for Education based institutions like High Schools,Colleges and Universities. Education institutions can deploy any kind of survey in this platform ranging from research, public health, economic survey and many more.

Organizational Climate Survey

Employee Surveys

InovAnalytics also offer solutions for surveys related to employees including employee satisfaction surveys/employee climate surveys and many more. In some cases where employee surveys are commissioned is when an organization need to meaure the extent to which employees are engaged in the operations of the organization.

Dissertation & Thesis Solution

Students Oriented Surveys

InovAnalytics also offer solutions for students (e.g colleges and university students) who want to embark on undergraduate and graduate levels research initiatives. Our solutions are cost effective and time saving for students. It can also be possible for students to conduct their research work without needing the services of an expert since the platform provides a full package from questionnaire design, survey deployment to data analyis and visualization, hence report compilation becomes easy.

Project Impact Evaluation Solution

Projects Evaluation Surveys

InovAnalytics offers solutions for projects evaluations during start of projects (Baseline studies) and end of projects evaluations (e.g project evaluation studies). Projects evaluation studies are normally deployed in mobile based surveys (offline surveys) because they are normally administered by a trained field researcher.

Household Survey Solution

Household Surveys

InovAnalytics offers solutions for household based surveys including census, income and expenditure surveys, health surveys and many more. These types of surveys are normally deployed on mobile surveys (offline surveys) softwares since they are normally administered by a trained field researher. Household surveys normally require sophisticted survey solution due to their complexities, hence InvoSurveys is a perfect tool that can offer such solutions to clients.

Public Health Surveys Solution

Public Health Surveys

InovAnalytics also offer solutions for surveys normally deployed by governments and health based institutions and organizations including NGOs. Just like household based surveys, health surveys are normally complex in nature, hence require sophisticated software solution. Health surveys are normally deployed via mobile based software and normally administered by a trained field researcher.

Questionnaire Design Tools

Questionnaire/Form Design

InovAnalytics has questionnaire/form design tools that enable researchers/data collectors to create questions/variables for their research projects. The design tools give the user many options in terms of ability to create different types of variables/questions e.g single response options/rating scales, multiple response options, gps,image,audio,long text (essay like), short text,decimal, integer,time,date, etc. The form design tools also allow the user to customise the look and feel of the form/questionnaire so it aligns with their brand. Finally, the form design tools allow the setting up of advanced skip logic to the questionnaire/form so that irrelavant variables/questions can be hidden from the respondent.

Data Analytics

Statistical Data Analysis

InovAnalytics has inbuilt statistical data processor that can be used to analyze statistical data within the platform without having to rely on external data analysis softwares. This means InovAnalytics is a complete package and a one stop shop to meet all the needs of researchers. The InovAnalytics data processor can generate basic descriptive statistics such as mean, min values, max values, standard deviation, variance and more. Statistical data summaries such as frequency tables and cross tabs can also be generated by the statistics processor. The data processor can also offer various data visualization tools including charts, line graphs, graphs, pie charts, histogram, scatter plots, radar charts, etc.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

InovAnalytics offer Machine Learning tools for building machine learning/statistical models for Data Scientists, Statisticians, and students. It has inbuilt functionalities to import datasets from external data sources in csv format. InovAnalytics use various widely used machine learning algorithms to develop various machine learning models e.g. use of various machine learning algorithms to solve classification, regression, and clustering problems. The platform uses machine learning algorithms widely used across industries such as random forest, support vector machine, neural networks, k-nearest neighbors, and k-means clustering. The machine learning algorithms are powered by various widely used and open source data science packages/libraries written in R and Python.

Data Visualization Solution
Data Visualization Solution
Data Visualization Solution
Data Visualization Solution
Data Visualization Solution
Data Visualization Solution
Data Visualization Solution
Data Visualization Solution