Mobile Application Privacy Policy

Who is InovAnalytics?

Field Survey Solution

InovAnalytics is a technology company in the field of statistics and data science. The core mandate of the company is providing research, statistical data analysis and modelling software as a service (SaaS) for both individuals and organisations. The software offers user friendly interface and tools that can help researchers from various fields to create, configure and deploy multiple research projects quickly. The software has features that also allow datasets to be imported from other data sources for analytics and data visualization purposes. This is because the platform has in built statistical data modelling and visualization engine that can help researchers to analyse data in realtime.

Field Survey Solution


InovAnalytics is a company that is powering the InovSurveys Data Entry app and is dedicated to complying with data and privacy protections policies by Google Playstore. InovSurveys Data Entry is an app developed specifically for statisticians/Researchers/Data Collectors/Data Scientitics to be used for field data entry including field surveys and data collection. The data entry form/questionnaire is designed and configured at after creating an account at The data entry form/questionnaire is then downloaded into the the InovSurveys app. It is thus our business and responsibility to be transparent to our app users in the manner data is collected and processed. This privacy policy is meant for InovSurveys Data Entry app users.

User Data Collection

The data collected by InovSurveys Data Entry is only GPS location data. The data collected is only for the benefit or usage of account adminstrator/researcher who is our client using our platform at The account administrator can deploy a team of researchers/data collectors in the field to collect data on their behalf. As part of the field data collection, the account administrator/researcher would want to collect gps coordinbates of the location where field data was collected for mapping purposes or to ensure integrity of the data collected. The app does not collect location data if the account adminitrator/researcher has not allowed it. This means the account administrator/researcher chooses to allow InovSurveys Data Entry to collect location data on their behalf or choose not to allow app to collect location data.

User Data Processing

The location data collected by InovSurveys Data Entry is stored together with other information accompanying the field data collected including date of collected data,and name of researcher who submitted the data. The data is only accessed and used by the Account Administrator and their Research Team who are connected into the account. Note that the InovSurveys app can only be useful to only those who are seeking to collect field data like conducting field surveys, hence it cannot be useful for other purposes. In order to become an account administrator/owner at InovAnalytics platform, you can create your account at and then log into your account console to start creating your surveys/data collection projects at

Cancellation of User Data Collection

The account admnistrator can cancel location data collection at any time they want and the app will stop collecting location data immediately. Location data collection can be cancelled at